Oct 1, 2019
Joe Malone holds a Ph.D. in Health and Human Performance with a minor in neuropsychology and a specialization in relational wellness. He has taught for many years at Middle Tennessee State University and guest lectured over the years at Vanderbilt University. Dr. Malone served on the Centers for Disease Control Initiative for STD Prevention for the state of Tennessee. He is the former Chair of the Nashville Community Health and Wellness Team and the current Topic Network Chair for Health Promotion for the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood.
He has studied human physiology intensively for over 30 years and has developed a profound understanding of human functioning from a biochemical perspective. Dr. Malone has brought these physiological insights to the area of relationships and sexual health. Relatedly, he has had the honor of working with youth and young adults on their overall well-being for over 30 years as well.
In his teaching, Dr. Malone has employed a background of varied life experiences which include Division I football player and coach, fitness professional and celebrity trainer as well as professional modeling. He has personally made use of the research, insights and experience that inspired the book promoting healthy young adult relationships he recently co-authored, Battles of the Sexes, to improve, preserve and protect his own 41 year marriage to his wife Jody. They make their home near their children and grandchildren in Nashville, TN.
Sarah Harris is a graduated student of Dr. Malone who lives in Nashville with her husband and two boys. She is a nutrition expert with over 5 years of experience as a Registered Dietitian and shares practical and realistic diet strategies for young adult women to maintain optimal physical health in Battles of the Sexes and counsels individuals and groups in the Nashville area. You can find her doing handstands, yoga, or running around local Nashville parks.